COVID-19 data

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Case summary snapshot
Cases 296,716
Confirmed cases 284,537 (95.9%)
Probable cases 12,179 (4.1%)
Total hospitalized 16,614
Counties 64
People tested 1,815,644
Test encounters 3,877,267
Deaths among cases 4,156
Confirmed deaths among cases 3,570 (85.9%)
Probable deaths among cases 586 (14.1%)
Deaths due to COVID-19 3,230
Total outbreaks 2,736

Hospital data snapshot
Percent of facilities updating (within 24 hours) 94%
Number of patients currently hospitalized for confirmed COVID-19 1,445
Patients currently hospitalized as COVID-19 persons under investigation 109
Number of patients discharged/transferred within past the 24 hours 175
Number of facilities anticipating staff shortages (within the next week) 25%
Number of facilities anticipating shortages of personal protective equipment (within the next week) 1%
Facilities anticipating ICU bed shortages in the next week 9%
Critical care ventilators in use 48%

Cases and deaths by county
County Cases Deaths
Adams 36030 440
Alamosa 833 21
Arapahoe 33883 510
Archuleta 422 0
Baca 159 0
Bent 701 4
Boulder 13266 160
Broomfield 2511 61
Chaffee 852 22
Cheyenne 85 3
Clear Creek 235 2
Conejos 268 4
Costilla 146 2
Crowley 1466 10
Custer 133 0
Delta 1179 18
Denver 43344 622
Dolores 45 0
Douglas 13871 150
Eagle 2961 12
El Paso 36323 457
Elbert 841 5
Fremont 3864 12
Garfield 3197 24
Gilpin 105 1
Grand 560 5
Gunnison 561 7
Hinsdale 12 0
Huerfano 244 12
International 25 0
Jackson 29 0
Jefferson 26471 585
Kiowa 56 1
Kit Carson 402 8
La Plata 1920 15
Lake 378 0
Larimer 13465 101
Las Animas 389 3
Lincoln 701 1
Logan 2884 49
Mesa 7759 110
Mineral 38 1
Moffat 466 18
Montezuma 1034 11
Montrose 1712 25
Morgan 1937 64
Otero 1390 19
Ouray 138 3
Park 320 4
Phillips 214 4
Pitkin 726 2
Prowers 893 19
Pueblo 11869 241
Rio Blanco 237 2
Rio Grande 301 5
Routt 928 16
Saguache 240 4
San Juan 25 0
San Miguel 302 0
Sedgwick 118 2
Summit 1882 5
Teller 881 7
Washington 302 10
Weld 17723 253
Yuma 464 4